JS Menu Tree Pro Add-on for FileMaker
Elegant and simplified, JS Menu Tree Navigation provides a single point of Administration, eliminating the need for fields, scripts, calculations, variables or any standard FileMaker design process.
The Menu Tree Add-on Admin has features for creating or editing Menu Label Names, nesting labels, selecting Layouts from a drop menu and re-arranging the order of labels by dragging.
Styles include settings for sizes and colour of Backgrounds, Fonts, Icons, Borders...
If you like this product please leave us some feedback.
• JS MenuTree Add-on Pro (for FileMaker) has been tested with FileMaker 19 for PC & Mac and on Local & FM Server installs
• Open source code includes:
- jQuery v3.5.1 | (c) JS Foundation and other contributors | jquery.org/license
- Font Awesome Free 5.15.1 https://fontawesome.com/license/free
- Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License
• Important:
- do not alter the downloaded filenames
- ensure FileMaker filenames do not have more than a single period
~ i.e. file.name.fmp12 will cause the Add-On to fail
JavaScript Menu Tree (FileMaker Add-on)
• The Javascript Series •
• The Menu Tree Add-on Pro provides Admin features including
- Menu Tree Label settings (aka Items)
- Menu Tree UI settings (aka Styles)
- Navigation choices
~ on-click (go to selected layout | to expand nested labels)
~ on-mouseover (labels will expand & contract automatically)
• Options include:
- Items
~ create New, Edit, Delete Labels & Icons (Main/Parent & Nested/Child items)
~ set Colour for Icons (able to search for icons by name)
~ drag Labels to rearrange their order
- Styles
~ set Colour, Style, Size for Label Text, ..
~ set Thickness, Radius, Colour, Padding for Borders
~ set Colour, Style, Size for MouseOver, Active Label
~ set Background Colours for Navigation Area & Labels